Nu!RehaTM is a modular platform and tele-rehabilitation application. Nu!RehaTM is the final outcome of different clinical studies carried out in different European Countries in the field of Occupational Theraphy and Cognitive Rehabilitation and focused on people with neurogical deficit.
Nu!Reha platform is designed to realize three different functional mode:
- Local mode: Nu!reha local mode implentation will allow the use of a set of custom exercises, that are managed and interfaced with local network infrastructure of the Rehabiliattion Centre.
- Remote Mode: Nu!Reha remote mode implentation allows a Local Centre of Reference to monitoring sessions running at remote centre via secure Internet connection
- Homecare: this implementation allows the use of Nu!Reha device at patient home. In this case Nu!Reha will be released with specific set of exercises that could be monitored and configured via Internet (GPRS, UMTS, ADSL) by specialized personnel.